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Weigh Hopper

General Info
Ideal for temporary storage of bulk seed.
Weigh hoppers, or seed holding tanks, can be equipped with, or without scales and are available in capacities of 200, 250 and 300 bushels. Standard units are extremely versatile and fit a number of configuration challenges. Legs are extendable. Hoppers can be equipped with sight glasses and ladders as necessary.
- 200, 250 and 300 bushel capacities.
- Rack and pinion gate at discharge
- Adjustable legs allow for variable outlet heights
- Forklift access for moving tank as necessary
- 45 degree sloped hopper for complete clean out
- Welded construction; 14 ga. construction with 10 ga. hopper supports
- Galvanized 8 ft. ladder
- 14 ga. welded construction with 10 ga. hopper supports
- Cross braces for forklift access
- 8′ galvanized access ladder
- 45° slope for complete cleanout
- Telescoping 3/16” square tube legs with height adjust-ment holes on 10” intervals.
Shut-off Gate:
- 12” x 12” gate with rack & pinion operation.
Gates ride on nylon rollers.
Feet on adjustable legs make overall width 8’-2”.
Extension Rings:
- Galvanized finish
- 12” ring adds extra 50 bushels of capacity
- 24” ring adds extra 100 bushels.
- 4 ft. galvanized ladder extension for use with tank extension rings.
Sight Glass:
- Factory installed.
Scale System:
- Cardinal 25,000# system with scale weight indicator and ticket printer
- NTEP approved components.
- Requires certification for legal trade.