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U-Trough Augers
Sudenga U-Trough Augers come in 6”, 8” 10”, and 12” diameters. Wood block hanger bearings provide quiet operation, long flighting life, and easy maintenance/replacement. U-Trough are available with three styles of direct drive, four chain reduction drives, and a universal helical gear drive. Augers with intermediate discharges should run at the speeds shown below. Higher RPM may cause the conveyed material to be carried across intermediate discharges. If larger capacities are required, it is better to move up to a larger diameter trough.
- Available in 6”, 8”, 10” and 12” diameters.
- Direct, chain reduction, or helical gear drive available with several types of motor mounts.
- Runs to 150 feet, depending on application.
- Wood block hanger bearings provide quiet operation, long flighting life, and easy maintenance. Bronze bearings available.
- Trough and hip roof cover.
- Drives and motor mounts for all applications.
- Directional valves, adaptors, and spouting in urethane, galvanized, and painted steel.
- Mounting brackets in several styles and clear span trussing let you handle a variety of installation requirements.
- Bin rings, bin stands, eave stands, and special motor mounts are available for overbin installations.
- Guarded inlets and outlets, discharge controls, perforated screen cleaning trough, hinge joints (up to 15°), pulleys and cable are available.
- Protected inlets must be used. Guards and covers must be in place during u-trough operation.
U-trough augers will convey any free flowing material where particle size does not exceed 1/3 of the trough diameter.
U-trough augers are recommended for any horizontal or inclined application up to 15°, but should not have grain or products stacked on them. In flat storage buildings, one run of u-trough can be mounted in the building’s peak for filling the building. One or two runs with guarded intakes can go in the floor to empty the building.
- Over-bin installations
- Feed or seed processing system links
- Elevator leg “feeders”
- Horizontal to vertical applications
The illustration above shows a “loop” grain handling system. Incoming grain goes into a pit and is elevated to a wet holding tank. The grain then goes to the dryer and then back to the pit via a short u-trough auger. The grain is then elevated to the overhead u-trough augers which delivers the grain to the bins. The bins are unloaded by underbin augers feeding to a ground-level u-trough system. The u-trough conveys the grain to the elevator leg which loads the grain into trucks or wagons. U-trough augers fill an important role in the design of an efficient, economical grain handling system.
Trough Ga. | Flight Ga. | Flight Pipe |
Shaft Diameter |
Capacity* | Auger RPM** |
6″ Augers | 14 ga | 10 | 1-1/4″ | 1″ | 428 BPH | 210 RPM |
8″ Augers | 14 ga | 3/16″ | 1-1/2″ | 1-1/4″ | 1125 BPH | 210 RPM |
10″ Augers | 12 ga | 3/16″ | 2-1/2″ | 1-1/2″ | 1985 BPH | 180 RPM |
12″ Augers | 12 ga | 1/4″ | 2-7/8″ | 1-1/2″*** | 3550 BPH | 180 RPM |
*If larger capacities are required, it is better to move up to a larger diameter trough.
**Augers with intermediate discharges should run at the speeds shown. Higher RPM may cause the conveyed material to be carried across intermediate discharges.
***Pipe is 2” ID sleeved down to 1½”
1. Select a capacity and trough diameter.
2. Find the estimated horsepower required.
3. Select a drive/belt combination based class usage.
Choose a diameter based on your required capacity. Using standard belt and pulley combinations, 6”/8” augers will run at 210 RPM and 10”/12” augers will run at 180 RPM. These are maximum recommended speeds for augers with intermediate discharges to prevent grain being “carried over” the intermediate discharges.
NOTE: Capacities requirements are based on 14-15% moisture content and a 65% trough fill. Changes in moisture or fill rates will alter capacity requirements.
Find the estimated horsepower for your U-trough diameter/length and material conveyed combination.
NOTE: Horsepower requirements are based on 14-15% moisture content and a 65% trough fill. Changes in moisture or fill rates will alter horsepower requirements. Starting the auger under load will raise horsepower requirements.
Select a drive that meets the horsepower required for your auger. Use the number of belts required when ordering a belt & pulley assembly.
U-trough augers are ordered by assemblies. The illustration shows how components are grouped into the assemblies. By ordering from each assembly, you will have a complete auger, less accessories. Accessories are ordered as needed for your particular situation.
Order by trough diameter and drive type. This assembly includes a drive unit and end plate for the opposite end, a starter trough with two flightings (to stagger the trough and flight joints), a bolt-on hip roof trough cover, and trough covers for the drive and intake end.
Order by trough diameter and drive type. This assembly includes a motor mount and belt guard.
Order by trough diameter, drive type, motor mount and motor frame number. This assembly includes motor plate, belt(s), pulleys and pulley hubs.
Includes a trough section with bolt-on hip roof cover, flighting and a connector shaft.
One hanger bearing is required for the basic assembly and one for each intermediate trough assembly.
U-trough augers are to be installed with guarded intakes.
Order accessories (discharges, valves, reducers, spouting, mounting brackets, trussing, etc.) as needed for your particular situation.
IMPORTANT: U-trough systems are offered in assemblies for Class I (moderate) or Class II (commercial) usage. Class I is defined as a steady load not exceeding motor HP rating and light shock loads during a 10 hour day. Moder-ate shock loads are acceptable if operation is intermittent. Class II is defined as a steady load not exceeding motor HP rating and light shock loads during a 10 hour day. Moderate shock loads are acceptable during a 10 hour day. If the operating environment will exceed these limits, contact the factory for recommendations.
For applications requiring “explosion proof drives” contact the factory.

Farm Feed Mill Setup near Little Rock, IA
Check out this farmer-operated feed mill setup. From a hammermill to a horizontal mixer to Sudenga’s feed loop conveyor system, this site has it all.
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