With today’s technology and transportation options it is now easier then ever to connect with people from all over the world. With just a few clicks of the mouse, you can order products from across the globe. Just this past year Sudenga has sent equipment to Ukraine, Australia, Canada, Grenada, El Salvador, Belize and Peru.
Sudenga Industries’ humble roots date back to 1888 when German Immigrant Folkert Sudenga opened a one-man blacksmith shop in the small town of George, Iowa. Since then Sudenga has added many new products and services to their repertoire and is now one of the largest manufacturing centers in northwest Iowa.
If Folkert Sudenga were around today he’d probably be shocked to learn that Sudenga’s products can now be found in more places than just the corner of Iowa, rather they are found worldwide. Just this past year Sudenga has sent equipment to Ukraine, Australia, Canada, Grenada, El Salvador, Belize and Peru.
With today’s technology and transportation options it is now easier then ever to connect with people from all over the world. With just a few clicks of the mouse, you can order products from across the globe.
40% of the world had internet access as of 2014 (International Telecommunications Union)
40% of the world’s land area is agricultural land (Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO))
As farmers continue to be more connected the opportunities for agricultural businesses to expand locally or even internationally are better than they have ever been.
Serving the process industries worldwide
Some of Sudenga’s dealers have been able to take advantage of the international market. One of those dealers is R&D Equipment Company Inc., an American corporation incorporated in Fort Worth, Texas.
R&D Equipment Company has been in business over 30 years and serves customers in the United States, Canada, Europe, Central and South America as well as other countries who are devoted to industries pertaining to oilseed processing, animals feeds, bio fuels, lubricants, cosmetics, and other specialized products. Their customers process a wide range of products such as cotton seed, soybeans, coconut, sunflowers, and flax.
Pictured left to right: Miguel Avelar, Juan Carlos Romero, Karla Garrett, Enrique Diaz, Yazmin Jackson, Ralph Romero (founder), Cynthia Romero, Joe Ortega, Neftali Barrera and Johan Nava.
The staff at R&D Equipment Company is fully bilingual and they serve multiple industries by offering technical and process advice as well as equipment optimization techniques. They implement state-of-the art technology to their customer’s processes to increase production, reduce costs and improve the quality of the finished product.
R&D Equipment Company has been selling and promoting Sudenga equipment since 2009 and we couldn’t be more proud to be part of their growing business. They said locally, Sudenga feed body trucks and portable grain augers are customer favorites; outside of the country, Sudenga sweep augers are a popular item; and Sudenga micro skids seem to be a favorite across the board.
“The micro skid is a very trusty piece of equipment which works with a very good level of accuracy on the weighing of the micro-elements,” explains Enrique Diaz, a sales and project manager at R&D Equipment Company.
The team at R&D Equipment Company strives to help customers reduce project deliveries and initial developments all while maintaining the highest standard of quality and dependability with the equipment they purchase. Thanks for making Sudenga part of this equipment lineup.
R&D Equipment Company, Inc. 4760 Freeman Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76140 Office: (817) 563-2571 www.rdequipmentco.com “Serving the process industries worldwide.”
MISSION STATEMENT: “To always assist our friends and customers to solve problems and reduce operating costs in their plants with efficient and professional service offering them the best equipment, spare parts and technology at competitive prices for all industries we serve.”
Enrique Diaz discusses the best layout to accommodate a 16-hoppers micro skid with a customers existing installation at the 2015 International Productions and Processing Expo (IPPE).R&D Equipment Co. worked closely with a mill in Venezuala for a setup to make a ‘premix’ for cattle and dairy feed.
Always Evolving
The agricultural industry has evolved immensely over the years. There has been innovation after innovation as production techniques continue to improve. Year after year we become just a little more efficient.
The average American farm in 1900 was 147 acres, today that number is closer to 450.
Today’s farmer can feed six times as many people as what the average farmer fed in the 1960s.
Even as things continue to change it’s probably safe to say that agriculture has always been and always will be the backbone of our country and countries around the world. Sudenga has witnessed and been part of many of these changes since the original shop opened in the late 1800s. What was useful 100 years ago is now merely an antique. We look forward to what the future holds.